SiLi Peltier cooled Detectors
Baltic Scientific Instruments has developed SiLi Peltier cooled Detectors which guarantee all metrological characteristics without water cooling of Peltier cooler hot seal.
Baltic Scientific Instruments has developed SiLi Peltier cooled Detectors which guarantee all metrological characteristics without water cooling of Peltier cooler hot seal.
Starting from 2012 our company has started manufacturing and supplies of Ion Implanted Silicon Alpha Particle Detectors.
In June, 2010 the company has bought out its shares from Bruker AXS and returned its former name Baltic Scientific Instruments (BSI).
Baltic Scientific Instruments proudly informs of taking the first place in “Innovative product 2010” competition among all exporters from Latvia.
Bruker Baltic Company would like to inform that development is finalized and production is started of the following new products