A new HPGe detector type available!
Dear Friends, we would like to introduce a new HPGe detector type available from now on as a separate part of our product range.
Dear Friends, we would like to introduce a new HPGe detector type available from now on as a separate part of our product range.
SIA „Baltic Scientific Instruments” ar 01.04.2019. ir uzsākusi jauno pētniecības darbu - pētījumu Nr.2 “Brīvās izlaišanas radioaktīvo piesārņojumu monitora atomenerģētikas uzņēmumiem izstrāde”.
Pētījums tiek īstenots projekta “Enerģētikas un transporta kompetences centrs” ietvaros. Projekta īstenošanas līguma numurs
The meeting will be held from 7 to 11 October, 2019 in Kazan in Grand Hotel Kazan. The International Meeting "Problems of Applied Spectrometry and Radiometry" (PPSR) is organized and made by a group of the most famous enterprises in Russia and abroad in the sphere of registration and measurement of ionizing radiation. The meeting has been held regularly since 1996. The meeting has no permanent registration place. It was held in Mendeleevo, Dubna, Zarechny, Odessa, Riga, Tuapse, St. Petersburg, Moscow and other cities. In recent years, it has become a tradition to hold a meeting once every two years.
SIA „Baltic Scientific Instruments” saņēma apstiprinājumus par pētījuma Nr.17 „Gaisa radioaktīvo aerosolu monitora izstrāde un izpēte atmosfēras piesārņojuma kontrolei” un pētījuma Nr.3“Automatizēta radioaktīvo atkritumu monitora atomenerģētikas uzņēmumiem izstrāde”zinātnisko rakstu publikācijām žurnālā Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection Journal un žurnālā Nuclear and Radiation Safety.
We are happy to announce a new feature for BSI HPGe detectors - State of Health Preamplifier (SHP).